
Five Tomes against Nestorius; Scholia on the Incarnation; Christ Is One; Fragments against Diodore of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, the Synousiasts is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume contains the following works by Cyril of Alexandria: Five Books against Nestorius • Tome I • Tome II • Tome III • Tome IV • Tome V The Scholia on the Incarnation That Christ is One by Way of Dispute with Hermias Fragments of Treatise against Diodre, Bishop of Tarsus Fragments of Treatise against Theodore, of Mopsuestia Fragments of Treatise...

born from forth a woman separately4. Yet how is it not obvious to all that the Only-Begotten being God by Nature has been made man, not by connection simply (as he says) considered as external or accidental5, but by true union, ineffable and passing understanding. And thus He is conceived of as One and Only, and every thing said6 befits Him and all will be said of One Person. For the Incarnate Naturec of the Word Himself is after the Union now conceived of as One,* just as will reasonably be
Pages 40–41